Mittwoch, April 18, 2007


Da d Handschin sistaz z gfüeu hei gha, dasi zviu zitat vom leonidas tue poste hani dänkt, i kicke eifach mau e post mit 100% Zitat us 300.

"Give them nothing, but take them everything!" Zitat Leonidas
"Push!" Zitat Leonidas
"Spartans, lay down your weapons!" [der arme persische offizier kann nicht weiterreden, da er von einem spartanischen speer im wahrsten sinne des wortes vom hohen ross geholt wird] "Persians, come and get them!" Zitat Leonidas

Spartan captain angesichts total verängsigter perser: "They look thirsty!" Leonidas: "Let's give 'em something to drink!" [perser werden ins meer gestürzt]

"Today, no spartan dies!" Zitat Leonidas
"We do what we were trained to do, what we were bred to do, what we were born to do." Zitat gesichtsloser Erzähler

"If they assassinate me, all of Sparta goes to war. Pray, that they are that stupid." Zitat Leonidas

Xerxes: "There is much, our cultures could share." Leonidas: "I don't know if you have really noticed. We have been sharing our culture with you all morning."

"We're in front of one wild night." Zitat Leonidas
"Immortals. We put their names to the test." Zitat Erzähler
"Spartans! Prepare for glory!" Zitat Leonidas (i weis i has scho mau postet)

"No retreat, no surrender. This is Spartan law." Zitat Leonidas

"Ready your breakfast and eat hearty. Because tonight, we dine in hell!" Zitat Leonidas
"This will not be over quickly. You will not enjoy this. I am not your queen." Königin vo Sparta währenddäm si der Verräter absticht.

"His helmet narrowed his vision and he must see far. His shield was heavy and threw him off balance. And his target is far away." Zitat Erzähler [Leonidas wirft seinen Speer auf Xerxes]

"The old ones say that we spartans are descendants of Hercules himself." Zitat Erzähler

tödlich verwundeter spartanischer soldat: "My king, it's an honor to die at your side." Leonidas: "It's an honor to have lived at yours."

"No songs, no monuments, no poems of war and valor, his wish was simple. Remember us." Zitat Dilios vor dem spartanischen Rat.

"They know well what merciless horrors they suffered at the swords and spears of 300. Here they stand now and 10'000 Spartans are commanding 30'000 free greeks!" Zitat Dilios als Heerführer vor der finalen Schlacht bei Platäa (oder wo auch immer)

Handschins! Prepare for glory!
Ps. nume für dä post hani äxtra der fium nomau gluegt. chrank? i don't think so...
peace out (oder we ds ä spartaner list: war out)


At 18/4/07 17:53, Anonymous Anonym said...

mir füehle üs natürlech gehrt, dass mir äxtra e post überchöme, sogar wenns zu däm thema isch. und vor auem härzlechs bileid, dass du dr ganz fium nomau hesch müesse luege:-)

falls di übrigens scho mau uf dis kinohighlight vo däm jahr wottsch vorbereite: mir wünsche viu spass!


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